Haven House Services 2025 Impact Partner Program

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Exclusivity in partner level

Customized volunteer or team building activity

VIP agency tour and/or check presentation

Media press release

Personalized thank you video

Lunch & Learn/Speaker available for company meeting

E-Newsletter spotlight article, website recognition, & social media posts (6)

Presenting Sponsorship of Battle of Bags Event and 6-month sponsorship of

Essentials Pantry


500 hours of therapy or counseling

for youth struggling with mental

health challenges, such as anxiety,

depression, and mood disorders.

$1,000 | ADVOCATE

Allows 1 youth to build strength and skills in

our after-school boxing & fitness program

E-newsletter promotion, website recognition, & social media post

Board Sponsorship of Battle of Bags Event

$2,500 | LEADER

25 hours of crisis counseling to youth

and/or their families. Last year, we

answered nearly 1,400 crisis calls.

Agency tour and/or check presentation

Invitation to “Lunch & Learn” presentations held at Haven House

E-Newsletter promotion, website recognition, & social media post

Court Sponsorship of Battle of Bags Event

5 months of outreach services and

basic needs assistance for a youth

experiencing homelessness

$5,000 | CHAMPION

VIP agency tour and/or check presentation

Invitation to “Lunch & Learn” presentations held at Haven House

E-Newsletter spotlight article, website recognition, & social media posts (2)

Bracket Sponsorship of Battle of Bags Event


40 nights of emergency shelter at Wrenn

House, including counseling and support,

for youth ages 10-17 who are experiencing

homelessness and/or are in crisis

VIP agency tour and/or check presentation

Invitation to “Lunch & Learn” presentations held at Haven House

E-Newsletter spotlight article, website recognition, & social media posts (2)

Tournament Sponsorship of Battle of Bags Event and 2-month sponsorship

of Essentials Pantry

$25,000 | GUARDIAN

Move-in expenses so 20 young adults

(and their young children if applicable)

can move from homeless to housing as

part of our Transition in Place program

Customized volunteer or team building activity

VIP agency tour and/or check presentation

Lunch & Learn/Speaker available for company meeting

E-Newsletter spotlight article, website recognition, & social media posts (4)

Presenting Sponsorship of Battle of Bags Event and 4-month sponsorship of

Essentials Pantry



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